STARZ RIZING Performance Ensemble
Average Performer Age: 11-14; Fundamental Theater Training included
The Starz Rizing performance ensemble are the cast members portraying the youth ensemble roles in a STC production. Production rehearsals for Starz Rizing provide continued development of foundational theater skills as students prepare both their parent showcase and their show ensemble roles.
As part of their show season, Starz Rizing cast members will prepare:
A “Family and Friends” Showcase: This is presented at the conclusion of their rehearsal season. Each cast member performs a dramatic monologue and a vocal solo showcasing what they have learned in their audition-study unit. To prepare for this Showcase, Starz Rizing performers receive coaching and mentoring on their Showcase materials from the STC Creative Team during rehearsal hours.
Ensemble Cast Member Roles: Starz Rizing performs throughout the show as a part of the ensemble (see below for pictures of Starz Rizing in STC shows)
Leadership Training: 1-2 Starz Rizing cast members will serve as Dance Captain and Vocal Captain for their ensemble. These performers carry additional responsibilities. Captain roles are determined in the casting process based on student readiness and interest.
Occasionally, the needs of the show allow for a Starz Rizing cast member to perform in a featured role.
School Year Productions: Saturdays 12:30pm-6pm
Summer Productions: Fridays 12pm-6pm; occasional Wednesday afternoon rehearsals.
Performers in the STARZ Rizing ensemble have one rehearsal per week with rehearsal hours increasing as we begin In-Studio Tech and Dress Rehearsals. Throughout rehearsals, STARZ Rizing performers will regularly interact and rehearse with All-Starz and Starz performers. They will also be given opportunities to mentor and encourage students in All-STARZ.
Weekly rehearsal time involves preparing their Family and Friend Showcase and their ensemble roles in the mainstage show. Directors also incorporate fundamental theater, vocal and dance training into Starz Rizing’s weekly rehearsals.
School Year only: It is common for there to be 1-2 Sunday afternoon rehearsals scheduled during our School Year season. The only Sunday that will require a morning commitment will be Performance Weekend.
STARZ Rizing Tuition: $500/season
Tuition paid in 3 installments.STC Production Fees:
$120Production fees due show month. Students have the opportunity to lower this cost through fundraising.
Kick Off Rehearsals: Each STC season kicks off with a series of rehearsal days and team building.
In-Studio Tech & Dress Rehearsals: The final weeks leading up to show week. In-Studio Tech & Dress Rehearsals are mandatory attendance for all STC performers (All-Starz, Starz Rizing and Starz).
Show Week: Show week consist of 4-5 in-venue tech and dress rehearsals leading up to the show performances. There are many continued opportunities for STC parents to be involved during our show week! Show Week participation is required for all STC performers and Parent Volunteer Teams.
Performance Weekend: STC hosts one school performance and 4-5 ticketed performances over the course of Performance Weekend (Friday, Saturday & Sunday). Performance Weekend participation is required for all STC performers and Support Teams.
STARZ Rizing Performers will work with a Lead who is dedicated to cultivating their performer’s love of acting, singing and dance!
Performers will also have 1-2 Assistants to help support them as they learn.
STARZ Rizing will regularly interact with the Stage Director, Vocal Lead and Choreography Lead for the production as they attend rehearsals.
We encourage each STARZ Rizing cast member to attend our annual theater intensive Young Performer Summit and to enroll in one of the Musical Theater Program classes at Turning Pointe School of Dance.
Weekly classes are key to strengthening a student’s foundation in theater skills and building confidence that will help them shine! The expansive curriculum used for classes was developed exclusively for Turning Pointe and is designed to give all performers at any point in their training a place to begin and to grow.
All classes are taught by YPAD Certified, professional and encouraging instructors. Space in classes is limited and spots are in high demand!
Starz Rizing as “Flushing Bourough Newsies” in Newsies - STC Season 7
Starz Rizing as “Star Lighters” in Mary Poppins - STC Season 8
GENERAL STarz theater company Show Details
Placement in any ensemble group within the show (STARZ, STARZ Rizing or All-Starz) takes place through an audition process where the STC Creative Team carefully evaluates skill level, characterization, attitude and previous training. Experience and training in singing, acting and dancing are of great benefit to students considering auditioning, however auditions are open to students of all experience levels.
After Auditions: Within 24 hours of the close of auditions, Callback request emails will be sent. Those needed for Call Backs will receive that request via email with specific details, times and songs to prepare. Within 72 hours after auditions, all auditionees will be emailed the cast list, STC Production Handbook, and Kick Off Week Details. Registration and first tuition installment will be due by Kick Off Day.
Performers age 9-High School Senior may audition for a show with Starz Theater Company (STC). The Creative Team primarily considers auditionees with at least one year of Musical Theater training or one production/show experience. Exceptions are considered on an individual basis during the audition process. Click Here for an overview of our company as well as training and performance opportunities for beginning students. Past Participation in All-Starz, Starz Rizing or Starz is not a guarantee of future placement.
Yes! However, please keep in mind that we do limit the number of excused absences a student may have per season. Students also must be available for all required rehearsal dates. Exceptions for required rehearsal absences due to family, religious (church/youth group) and school will be taken into consideration - however, please understand a scheduling overlap that falls over a required rehearsal date could still impact casting even if it falls under one of those three categories.
All absences for the duration of the show season must be communicated on your audition application.
Parents & families of STC students are asked to prayerfully consider where they can give time and talent during the season and/or during Show Week. For more information on our volunteer teams, please go to Our Team tab.
Parent Meetings: There will be 2 Parent meetings throughout each season: STC Parent Fair during Kick Off Rehearsals (1 parent must attend) and Show Week Q&A (optional).
Each Starz Theater Company student (Starz, Starz Rizing and All-Starz) is required to participate in at least one outreach. These will be communicated in the STC Handbook at the start of the season.
With the exception of extenuating circumstances, all absences must be communicated in advance. Commitments and absences known prior to auditions should be indicated on the Audition Application. Students have a limited number of excused absences per season.
Students also must be available for all required rehearsal dates. Exceptions for required rehearsal absences due to family, religious (church/youth group) and school will be taken into consideration - however, please understand a scheduling overlap that falls over a required rehearsal date could still impact casting even if it falls under one of those three categories.
We encourage each cast member to attend our annual theater intensive Young Performer Summit and to enroll in one of the Musical Theater Program classes at Turning Pointe School of Dance. Weekly classes are key to strengthening a student’s foundation in theater skills and building confidence that will help them shine! The expansive curriculum used for classes was developed exclusively for Turning Pointe and is designed to give all performers at any point in their training a place to begin and to grow. All classes are taught by YPAD Certified, professional and encouraging instructors, many of whom also work on the Creative Team at STC. Space in classes is limited and spots are in high demand!