Dress Code:
YPS Attendees should dress for high-energy activity. All students should wear clothing that allows freedom of movement while maintaining modesty.
Girls’ YPS Dress Code: Solid leggings or capris (no jeans). YPS T-shirt or Solid-colored black shirt. Stomachs fully covered. Hair styled away from face. Jazz Shoes, dance sneakers or Character Shoes (ages 13+) for dance classes and Showcase rehearsals. Non-marking sneakers with clean soles for acting and vocal classes. Students may not dance or perform in socks or barefoot.
Boys’ YPS Dress Code: Athletic Shorts, Joggers or Dance pants (no jeans). YPS T-shirt or Solid-colored shirt. Stomachs fully covered. Hair styled away from face. Jazz Shoes or dance sneakers for dance classes and Showcase rehearsals. Non-marking sneakers with clean soles for acting and vocal classes. Students may not dance or perform in socks or barefoot.
SPOTLIGHT! Showcase Dress Code: Black Pants/Leggings (no jeans or shorts); YPS T-shirt; Jazz Shoes or Black Dance Sneakers; Hair neatly styled away from face.
SPOTLIGHT Attendees - one YPS T-shirt is included in your Tuition.
YPS Withdrawal Policy:
An Attendee wishing to drop their YPS Registration is considered to be withdrawing. An attendee not showing up for classes or not paying the tuition does not constitute a withdrawal. To withdraw from YPS, written notice must be given to our Turning Pointe Studio Director. Please email info@turningpointeschoolofdance.com and request a withdrawal in the timeframe below:
A 10-day notice is required for withdrawal from YPS SPOTLIGHT or RISE UP workshop in order to receive a refund or credit for your tuition fee. If you have registered within 10 days of the class, no withdrawal will be allowed. The $50 deposit paid at the time of registration for YPS SPOTLIGHT is non-refundable.
*If there is an extenuating circumstance (family emergency, illness, etc.) requiring a student to withdraw, please let us know at info@turningpointeschoolofdance.com. We will reach out via email and work together to find a solution.
YPS Meal & Snack info
Students must bring their own packed meal for 2 out of 3 meals during the Summit. A YPS pizza party will be provided for one meal!
Bring a dinner for Wednesday, a lunch for Thursday and Friday
Students may not leave campus during Summit hours for food
Snack Shack:
Snacks, water, and sports drinks are available for purchase.
All proceeds from snack purchases support Starz students through the Elsie Smith Memorial Scholarship Fund.